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Carlisle & Hampton Hill Federation

Design Technology


Design & Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject which is taught throughout Carlisle Infant School in close conjunction with other curriculum areas, such as mathematics, science, computing and art.   Through the acquisition of D&T knowledge, vocabulary and skills, pupils develop an understanding about how to manage risk, be resourceful, innovative, creative and interesting citizens.  They also begin to develop an understanding of the impact of D&T on the wider world.

At Carlisle Infant School we teach D&T through a mixture of continuous provision and discrete termly projects.  We actively encourage the participation of the school’s parent community in assisting with a variety of D&T work, including cooking, sewing and woodworking.  We also encourage the development of skills at home, through occasional projects and the creation of outfits for Nativity productions, for example.

Early Years Provision:

Design & Technology is offered as part of our continuous provision on a daily basis within the YR classrooms and in both the indoor and outdoor shared areas.  Children are encouraged to:

  • safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques (for example, junk modelling or 3D art);
  • Handle equipment and tools effectively, including scissors, glue sticks and other implements;
  • Use what they have learned about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes (for example, creating a boat that will float);
  • Choose the resources they need for their chosen activity;
  • Select and use technology for design, where appropriate (for example, using 2Simple software to design a firework image);
  • Say when they do or do not need help;
  • Understand the importance of a healthy diet and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe.

Design & Technology is also encouraged through adult-let and independent cooking activities offered several times per term.  We focus on the safe use of tools, safe hygiene practises, having a go, enjoying the process and indeed the outcome!

KS1 Provision:

Design & Technology is offered as part of our continuous provision within our Active Learning Zones, as well as being offered as part of discrete termly projects.  Children build on their Early Years experiences by beginning to broaden the depth of their skills and knowledge within the following categories, aiming by the end of year 2 to be able to:

  • Design:  consider purpose, audience, suitability and function.  Generate and communicate ideas through talking, sketching, modelling and ICT (where appropriate), drawing on their own experiences and knowledge of existing products.
  • Make: plan verbally, selecting appropriate tools, resources and materials; follow procedures for safety and hygiene; measure, mark, cut and shape components; assemble and combine materials effectively.
  • Evaluate: make judgements about their products, suggesting improvements and comparing to existing products or others’ creations.
  • Know:  understand the working characteristics of materials and components, including moving mechanisms such as wheels, levels and axles; know how structures can be made stronger, safer and more stable; using appropriate vocabulary
  • Cooking & Nutrition:  know where food comes from, and which food groups are represented in a dish;  know how to keep healthy by selecting 5 portions of fruit and vegetables daily; prepare simple dishes without a heat source; use safe techniques for food preparation including cutting, peeling and grating.